Jewish cemetery

Jewish cemetery

Address A. Kanapinsko g.

Jewish dish degustation (Restaurant "Smilga")

You will taste traditional Jewish dishes (non-kosher), and learn about the peculiarities and traditions of Jewish cuisine, kosher rules, their festive and traditional dishes.

Address Senoji str. 16, Kėdainiai

Kalnaberžė Manor and Park

The Manor House is situated on the left bank of Nevėžis River, 13 km to the north from Kėdainiai. Kalnaberžė was mentioned for the first time in H. Vartbergė's "Chronicle of Livonia" in 1371.

Address Kalnaberžė, Kėdainiai District

Kalnaberžė Mound (Hillfort)

Mounds, or hillforts, are the best known and the most beautiful archaeological monuments in Lithuania. Their total number approaches one thousand. Lithuania has more hillforts than our neighbouring countries.

Address Kalnaberžė, Surviliškis neighbourhood, Kėdainiai District

Kėdainiai Hunting and Fishing Association

Address Dotnuvos str. 4, Kėdainiai

Kėdainiai Old Town

It is one of seven Old Towns of Lithuania and is a state-protected urbanistic monument. The Old Town has a number of preserved valuable Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque and Classicist-style buildings, four trading squares of the 15th-17th century and a historical road network.

Address Kėdainiai

Kėdainiai Regional Museum

Kėdainiai Regional Museum is one of the oldest in Lithuania and established in 1922.

Address Didžioji str. 19, Kėdainiai

Kėdainiai Regional Museum

Kėdainiai Regional Museum and Multicultural Centre offer a large variety of educational lessons which include history, art, ethnoculture, Jewish cultural heritage and multiculturalism. The lessons are intended for children of various age and adults.

Address Didžioji str. 19, Kėdainiai
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