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Duke Janusz Radziwill mentioned Thomas Chancellor's (Cencerio, Czanczler) pharmacy in a letter written in 1653. The Duke expressed his concern regarding the unfinished roof of the Town Hall and demanded that it be completed as quickly as possible because the building, as well as the pharmacy located inside, would likely be damaged during winter. The Kėdainiai magistrate had allocated space for the pharmacy and the "apartment with the arch" to Thomas Chancellor in the Town Hall while it was still under construction. In 1655 Chancellor became a member of the town council by taking on the duties of court assessor/advisor. He continued in these duties until 1658.

The pharmacy continued to operate in the Town Hall until a huge fire devastated the complex in 1760. Today, an Old Town boutique occupies the former pharmacy premises.

From "Scottish Heritage in Kėdainiai" by Algirdas Juknevičius


Didžiosios Rinkos a. 6, Kėdainiai

Thomas Chancellor's Pharmacy
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