
Arnetų house is a material legacy of Scottish community that lived in Kėdainiai in XVII–XVIII centuries. The shopkeeper Jonas Arnetas built it in the middle of XVII century by the Didžiosos Rinkos square which back then was the main marketplace in town. This is an example of XVIII–XIX century urban residental architecture in which remained authentic outer and inner building plan. Recently in Arnetų house works museum of Kėdainiai region and traditional crafts center which offers old crafts educational programs by certified craftsmen.

Category Craftsmen of programs                                                                              Description
Sash weaving Loreta Steponavičienė (the master of crafts) An opportunity to get know to an authentic craft of a region - sash weaving (tablet weaving and other types of weaving), manners that are connected to national sashes in Lithuanian culture, their colors, patterns, symbolism, application in casual life. Participants will be allowed to weave a traditional sash themselves.
Duration 1 h.
Number of participants up to 10
Ceramic Dalė Urbienė Getting know to Lithuanian folk ceramic traditions, history and potter craft. During this program there will be an ability to try various molding types of traditional ceramic.
Duration 1 h.
Number of participants up to 10
Wicker weaving Birutė Šinkūnienė (the master of crafts) Getting know to wicker growing specific, material preparation and weaving technologies. Participants will be allowed to weave theirselves a souvenir.
Duration 1 h.
Number of participants up to 10
Carving Arūnas Gaučias Getting know to wood images in Lithuanian worldview, cross-breed manners in Lithuania, work tools used in carving, examples of products and their technological process.
Duration 1 h.
Number of participants up to 10
Beewax coloring on Easter eggs Birutė Šinkūnienė (the master of crafts) Program is available two weeks before and one week after Easter. Getting know to Easter manners, Eater table decoration, Easter eggs coloring types, symbols, ornamentation. Coloring Eater eggs in an old traditional way with natural beewax. 
Duration 1,5 h.
Number of participants up to 15
Felting Jūratė Atkočiūnienė (the master of crafts) Getting know to a history of wool rising, types, felting technologies, using possibilities and creating a felting.
Duration 1 h.
Number of participants up to 12
ADDRESS: Radvilų g. 21, Kėdainiai
PHONE NUMBER: +37064505168