Stašaičiai Mound

The mound stands on the left bank of Lankesa River, at a 5 km distance to the southeast from Šėta. A concrete electricity pole was built in the middle of the site during the Soviet era.

Address Pelėdnagių seniūnija, Kėdainių rajonas

Šukioniai Mound

During the research in 1998, remains of a charred defensive wall formed from 13 cm thick logs were found. 

Address Truskava Neighbourhood, Kėdainiai District

Vaidatoniai Mound

The mound is formed on the hillock situated on the left banks of Kruostas River and its inflow Virškaučius.

Address Surviliškis, Kėdainiai District

Vosbučiai Mound

Vozbučiai exposure is within the territory of Krakiai Local Authority, in the surrounding area of Vozbučiai village, near the junction of Šušvė and Ginevė Rivers.

Address Krakiai Local Authority, Kėdainiai District
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